Cited by Crossref (5)

  1. M. Akman, M.K. Uçar, Z. Uçar, K. Uçar, B. Baraklı, M.R. Bozkurt. Determination of Body Fat Percentage by Gender Based with Photoplethysmography Signal Using Machine Learning Algorithm. IRBM 2022;43:169
  2. Muhammed Kürşad Uçar, Zeliha Uçar, Fatih Köksal, Nihat Daldal. Estimation of body fat percentage using hybrid machine learning algorithms. Measurement 2021;167:108173
  3. Muhammed Kürşad UÇAR, Zeliha UÇAR. Vücut Yağ Miktarı / Yüzdesi Hesaplama Yöntemleri: Sistematik Derleme. 2020;10:930
  4. Muhammed Kürşad Uçar, Zeliha Uçar, Kübra Uçar, Mehmet Akman, Mehmet Recep Bozkurt. Determination of body fat percentage by electrocardiography signal with gender based artificial intelligence. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2021;68:102650
  5. Hasan Yıldırım. The Multicollinearity Effect on the Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms: Case Examples in Healthcare Modelling. 2024;12:68