Cited by Crossref (18)

  1. Daniel F. Martins, Frederic J.F. Viseux, Daiana C. Salm, Anny Caroline Avelino Ribeiro, Helen Kassiana Lopes da Silva, Lynsey A. Seim, Edsel B. Bittencourt, Gianluca Bianco, Ari Ojeda Ocampo Moré, William R. Reed, Leidiane Mazzardo-Martins. The role of the vagus nerve in fibromyalgia syndrome. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2021;131:1136
  2. Daniela Lucini, Antonio Spataro, Luca Giovanelli, Mara Malacarne, Raffaella Spada, Gianfranco Parati, Nadia Solaro, Massimo Pagani. Relationship between Body Composition and Cardiac Autonomic Regulation in a Large Population of Italian Olympic Athletes. JPM 2022;12:1508
  3. Hun-Young Park, Won-Sang Jung, Sung-Woo Kim, Kyounghwa Jung, Kiwon Lim. Comparison of Vascular Function, Cardiometabolic Parameters, Hemorheological Function, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Between Middle-Aged Korean Women With and Without Obesity—A Pilot Study. Front. Physiol. 2022;13
  4. Meltem SERTBAŞ, Serkan ELARSLAN, Emre ŞENOCAK. Changes in adipose tissue and biochemical parameters after aerobic exercise in overweight and obese women. 2021;5:294
  5. Selma Cvijetic, Jelena Macan, Dario Boschiero, Jasminka Z. Ilich. Body fat and muscle in relation to heart rate variability in young-to-middle age men: a cross sectional study. Annals of Human Biology 2023;50:109
  6. Faming Yang, Ying Ma, Shuangyan Liang, Yali Shi, Chen Wang. Effect of Exercise Modality on Heart Rate Variability in Adults: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Rev. Cardiovasc. Med. 2024;25
  7. Jae-Ho Choi, Sung-Woo Kim, Jisoo Seo, Yerin Sun, Won-Sang Jung, Hun-Young Park, Jisu Kim, Kiwon Lim. Effects of a Mobile-Health Exercise Intervention on Body Composition, Vascular Function, and Autonomic Nervous System Function in Obese Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JMDH 2023;Volume 16:1601
  8. Sung-Woo Kim, Hun-Young Park, Won-Sang Jung, Kiwon Lim. Predicting Heart Rate Variability Parameters in Healthy Korean Adults: A Preliminary Study. INQUIRY 2021;58
  9. Sung-Woo Kim, Won-Sang Jung, Jeong-Weon Kim, Sang-Seok Nam, Hun-Young Park. Aerobic Continuous and Interval Training under Hypoxia Enhances Endurance Exercise Performance with Hemodynamic and Autonomic Nervous System Function in Amateur Male Swimmers. IJERPH 2021;18:3944
  10. Hun-Young Park, Won-Sang Jung, Sung-Woo Kim, Kiwon Lim. Effects of Interval Training Under Hypoxia on the Autonomic Nervous System and Arterial and Hemorheological Function in Healthy Women. IJWH 2022;Volume 14:79
  11. Tomislav Smoljo, Ivan Stanić, Sara Sila, Uroš Kovačić, Luka Crnošija, Anamari Junaković, Ivan Adamec, Iva Hojsak, Magdalena Krbot Skorić, Mario Habek. The Relationship between Autonomic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function and Body Composition. Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome 2020;29:188
  12. Hugo Celso Dutra Souza, Stella Vieira Philbois, Ana Catarine Veiga, Bruno Augusto Aguilar. Heart Rate Variability and Cardiovascular Fitness: What We Know so Far. VHRM 2021;Volume 17:701
  13. Maiquel Bueno Cortes, Raphael Silveira Nunes da Silva, Patrícia Caetano de Oliveira, Diego Silveira da Silva, Maria Claudia Costa Irigoyen, Gustavo Waclawovsky, Maximiliano Isoppo Schaun. Effect of aerobic and resistance exercise training on endothelial function in individuals with overweight and obesity: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Sci Rep 2023;13
  14. Lubin Betancur-Sepulveda, Jhon Freddy Ramírez-Villada, Carlos Mario Arango-Paternina. Effect of physical exercise on heart rate variability in adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev. Fac. Med. 2023;71:e107632
  15. . Establishment of Obesity Diagnosis Criteria Using Body Volume Index of 3D BodyScanner. 2024
  16. Kyounghwa Jung, Jisu Kim, Hun-Young Park, Won-Sang Jung, Kiwon Lim. Hypoxic Pilates Intervention for Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IJERPH 2020;17:7186
  17. R. Afroundeh, P. Hofmann, S. Esmaeilzadeh, M. Narimani, A.J. Pesola. Agreement between heart rate deflection point and maximal lactate steady state in young adults with different body masses. PhysInt 2021
  18. Woo-Jung Lee, Yun-Hwan Lee, Ji-Eun Lee, Ho-Seong Lee. Effects of Isotonic Core Exercise with Weight Loss on Low Back Pain, Core Strength and Balance in Obese Middle-Aged Women. Exerc Sci 2023;32:322