Fig. 2. Changes in “Change 10 Habits” scores according to program compliance. (A) Comparison of the “1 hour exercise a day” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (B) Comparison of the “alcohol, up to two drinks” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (C) Comparison of the “eat three meals regularly” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (D) Comparison of the “avoid 4s food” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (E) Comparison of the “eat five-color foods” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (F) Comparison of the “balance intake of six-food groups” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (G) Comparison of the “get at least 7 hours of sleep” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (H) Comparison of the “drink eight glasses of water a day” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (I) Comparison of the “do not eat after 9:00 PM” scores between the two groups during the intervention. (J) Comparison of the “chew more than 10 times and eat slowly” scores between the two groups during the intervention. The solid line represents the high compliance group, while the dashed line represents the low compliance group. *Significant difference between the groups by Student’s t-test at P<0.05.