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Fig. 3. Adipose tissue (AT) distribution and morphology parameters in relation to persistent organic pollution concentration. Association of omental AT bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants with anthropometric and AT morphology parameters in 13 lean subjects (body mass index [BMI] <25 kg/m²). Values in tiles are Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Adapted from Rolle-Kampczyk et al.,43 with permission from Elsevier. *P<0.05; P<0.01; P<0.001. CT, computed tomography; vis, visceral; sc, subcutaneous; Macr, macrophage; M1, M1 macrophages; M2, M2 macrophages; DDE, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane; PCB X, polychlorinated biphenyl X.
J Obes Metab Syndr 2024;33:275~288