Table. 4.

Cross-validation of preliminary models

ModelsMean of estimated percent fatMean of measured percent fatR2SEETE
 Model 1: 1/BMI, gender, age, 1/BMI228.73729.2260.7313.9784.114
 Model 2: 1/BMI, gender and age, 1/BMI228.7820.7353.9514.093
*Group by age
 20-39 yr27.98328.2990.7053.9854.137
 40-59 yr28.67529.3360.7443.7774.016
 ≥60 yr29.48729.9000.7504.0524.148

The preliminary model (total) was represented as Model 1, and that grouped by gender and age was represented as Model 2.

Model 2 was applied for the cross-validation in each age group.

R2 is explanatory power.

BMI, body mass index; SEE, standard error of estimate; TE, total error.

J Obes Metab Syndr 2017;26:122~129