Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome



J Korean Soc Study Obes 2004; 13(1): 34-41

Published online January 1, 2004

Copyright © Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.

Korean Diet and Obesity

Jae Heon Kang M.D. Ph.D.,Kyung A Kim Ph.D.,Jung Soon Han Ph.D.

Obesity Research Institute of Inje University


Change in diet patterns in fueling the obesity epidemic in Korea. These rapid changes in the levels and composition of dietary patterns are related to a socioeconomic status and westernized diet. Using data mainly from large nationally representative and national survey, such as the 1998 and 2002 Korea Health and Nutrition Surveys, in combination with comparative analysis across US, we examine these factors. We show the shifts in diet are consistent with the rapid change in child and adult obesity and in some cases have been causally linked. One of the more profound effects is the accelerated change in the structure of Korean diet. Major dietary change includes a large increase in the consumption of fat in the diet contrasted with a fall in total cereal intakes and fiber. This research showed a remarkable acceleration in the decline in the proportion of the diet that is coming from grains and vegetables. These results fit closely with the trend toward increased obesity in Korea. They Shown in longitudinal studies of these relationships among children and adults that the dietary patterns affected BMI. This research challenges the assumption that overweight is opposing public health and illustrated the need for public health program about health eating in Korea.

Keywords: Korean food, Rice, Obesity

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