Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome



J Korean Soc Study Obes 1997; 6(2): 105-110

Published online December 30, 1997

Copyright © Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.

Effects of Capsaicin on Thermoregulation of Interscapular Brown Adipise Tissure in Rats

Tai Hee Lee, Hyun Ju Chang, Jae Hyun Cho, Byung Ju Park, Min Young Chung, Dong Jin Chung, Toshimasa Osaka*, Akiko Kobayashi*, Shuji Inoue*

Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea, National Institute of Health and Nutrition, Japan*


This studies included observation of effects of capsaicin on thermogenesis of interscapular brown adipose tissue(IBAT) of male Wistar rats. And the results were as follows.
1. Capsaicin(5 mg/kg, S.C.) increased temperature of IBAT 0.24 ± 0.05 ℃ than colon temperature at 400min, and 0.10 ± 0.08 ℃ in muscle, however, there was no change in the liver by capsaicin administration.
2. Pretreatment with capsazepine(10 mg/kg, SC) and denervation of intercostals nerves in IBAT blocked the inhibitory effect of capsaicin(1 mg/kg, S.C.) on noradrenaline-induced thermogenesis in IBAT.
3. Subcutaneous injection of capsaicin( attenuated the increase in temperature of IBAT induced by ventromedial hypothalamus stimulation(from 1.01 ± 0.12 ℃ to 0.28 ± 0.07 ℃) which was persist for 3 hours after capsaicin injection.
These results suggest that major site of thermogenesis by capsaicin administration is IBAT, and capsaicin may act through peripheral and central routes for control of thermogenesiss.

Keywords: Capsaicin, Thermoregulation, BAT(brown adipose tissue)