Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome



J Obes Metab Syndr 2019; 28(3): 212-212

Published online September 30, 2019

Copyright © Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.

Corrigendum: We Take Care of Person with Obesity, Not Obesity That People Has

Sang Yeoup Lee*

Family Medicine Clinic and Research Institute of Convergence of Biomedical Science and Technology, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan; Department of Medical Education, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, Korea

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J Obes Metab Syndr 2019;28:73–75

In my recently published article, the statement for a funding source was missing. It should be properly added as follows. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding.


This work was supported by a 2-year research grant of Pusan National University.