Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome



J Korean Soc Study Obes 2002; 11(4): 389-397

Published online December 1, 2002

Copyright © Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.

Reliability and Validity of Bioimpedance Body Composition Analyzer

Hyun Soo Kim,Hye Soon Park1

Seoul National University of Technology, Department of Family Medicine, Asan Medical Center1


Background: The aims of this study was to
assess the reliability and validity of recentlydeveloped
new hand-foot segmental bioelectrical
impedance body composition analyzer in determination
of the % body fat (%BF) and fat-free mass (FFM)
among Korean adults.
Methods: The study subjects were all volunteers
composed by 35 males and 22 females. The %BFuw
measured by underwater weighing technique (UW)
was the reference values. The %BFHK estimates
obtained from bioelectrical impedance body
composition anlyzer (Healthkeeper, HK). Gender-specific
equations were cross-validated. Means (M), standard deviations (SD), correlation coefficients (r), standard
errors of estimate (SEE) and total errors (TE) were
compared to the criterion test of underwater
weighing (%BFUW) at residual lung volume.
Results: There were high correlation coefficients
as ry,y'=.89 and .80 for men and women,
respectively, The prediction errors were moderate as
SEE=2.5%, and TE=2.9% for men, SEE=2.8%, and
TE=2.3% for women, respectively. The difference
between the average %BFUW and %BFHK were
small for men (0.7%) and women (0.9%). For both
gender, the lines of identity did not differ
significantly (p>.05) from the lines of best fit.
Conclusion: Use of the Heathkeeper body
composition analyzer is suitable for the assessing the
% body fat (%BF) and fat-free mass (FFM) among
Korean adults with normal range of percentage body

Keywords: Reliability, Validity, Bioimpedance, Body fat, Fat-free mass