Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome



Korean J Obes 2012; 21(1): 37-44

Published online March 30, 2012

Copyright © Korean Society for the Study of Obesity.

Factors Associated with Consumption of Fast Food by Korean Adolescents - Analysis of 2007 Survey Data from the National Youth Policy Institute -

Jun-Hong Kim*, Dong Yeop Lee(1)

National Youth Policy Institute, Korea University(1)

Background: Frequent fast food consumption by adolescents is a leading cause of obesity. The present study focuses on finding the predictors of fast food consumption of Korean middle- and high-school students. Finding the predictors will ultimately provide evidence based strategies needed to effectively lower obesity prevalence, along with focusing on intervention for breakfast skippers.
Methods: Multiple regression model was applied using data from the National Youth Policy Institute. We used the national representative survey data obtained via multistage stratified area probability sampling design from 2,943 middle- and high-school students consisting of 1,570 males and 1,373 females.
Results: From the entire sample, 16.4% was shown to consume fast food more than once a week, and 54.3% was shown to skip breakfast more than once a week. Multiple regression analysis, after adjusting for control variables, revealed that frequent breakfast skippers used fast food restaurants more frequently (P < .001).
Conclusion: Preventing adolescents from skipping breakfast may reduce their fast food consumption and lead to prevention of obesity.

Keywords: Fast food, Obesity, Adolescent, Breakfast, Evidence

Demographical and dietary behavioral characteristics of the respondents

Determinants of middle- and high-school students' use of fast food restaurant

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